[xmlsec] 0.0.8a build error on Win32

Moultrie, Ferrell (ISSAtlanta) FMoultrie@iss.net
Wed, 28 Aug 2002 18:49:15 -0400

When I try to build 0.0.8a, I get an error:
D:\xmlsec-0.0.8\src\enveloped.c(24) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open
include file: 'xmlsec/xpath.h': No such file or directory

I don't see an xmlsec/xpath.h in the xmlsec distribution (there is one
in libxml2 -- but this specifically asks for xmlsec/xpath.h).=20

If I simply comment out the line:
//#include <xmlsec/xpath.h>
.. then everything builds OK.

Am I missing something? This same error persists in the 020828 daily
build also.

Ferrell Moultrie (ferrell@iss.net)
Software Engineer

Internet Security Systems, Inc.
6303 Barfield Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30328
Phone:  404-236-2600
Direct: 404-236-2849
Fax:    404-236-2632

Internet Security Systems -- The Power to Protect