[xmlsec] IMPORTANT: XML Security Library 0.0.8 release was broken!

Aleksey Sanin aleksey@aleksey.com
Wed, 28 Aug 2002 14:49:55 -0700

  I've screwed up the last release build and put an old version.
If you've downloaded XML Security Library 0.0.8 before
August 26 then you should download it again:   


I am really sorry for this stupid mistake and I promise to never
do releases on Friday :(

And special thanks to Ferrell Moultrie for pointing this out.

Aleksey Sanin

Moultrie, Ferrell (ISSAtlanta) wrote:

>  I downloaded the 0.0.8 archive from the link:
>Unfortunately, the latest dates in that archive are 7/11/02 -- it
>appears this is still the 0.0.7 version? It doesn't have any of the
>updated documentation or the error handling stuff .. etc. Is the 8/23/02
>the correct archive for 0.0.8? Or should I get the 8/24/02? Or,
>something else?
>  Ferrell
>Ferrell Moultrie (ferrell@iss.net)
>Software Engineer
>Internet Security Systems, Inc.
>6303 Barfield Road
>Atlanta, Georgia 30328
>Phone:  404-236-2600
>Direct: 404-236-2849
>Fax:    404-236-2632
>Internet Security Systems -- The Power to Protect
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