XML Security Library



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xmlsec,<command> /,<options>/,<files>/Â


display this help information and exit
display help information for all commands/options and exit
display help information for command <cmd> and exit
print version information and exit
keys XML file manipulation
sign data and output XML document
verify signed document
create and sign dynamicaly generated signature template
encrypt data and output XML document
decrypt data from XML document


do not process <dsig:Manifest> elements
store and print the result of <dsig:Reference/> element processing just before calculating digest
store and print the result of <dsig:Signature> processing just before calculating signature
--enabled-reference-uris <list>
comma separated list of of the following values: "empty", "same-doc", "local","remote" to restrict possible URI attribute values for the <dsig:Reference> element
enables Visa3D protocol specific hack for URI attributes processing when we are trying not to use XPath/XPointer engine; this is a hack and I don't know what else might be broken in your application when you use it (also check "--id-attr" option because you might need it)
--hmac-min-out-len <bits>
sets minimum HMAC output length to <bits>
--binary-data <file>
binary <file> to encrypt
--xml-data <file>
XML <file> to encrypt
--enabled-cipher-reference-uris <list>
comma separated list of of the following values: "empty", "same-doc", "local","remote" to restrict possible URI attribute values for the <enc:CipherReference> element
--session-key <keyKlass>-<keySize>
generate new session <keyKlass> key of <keySize> bits size (for example, "--session des-192" generates a new 192 bits DES key for DES3 encryption)
--output <filename>
write result document to file <filename>; the <filename> can be a template and include '{inputfile}' which will be repaced with the input filename
print debug information to stdout
print debug information to stdout in xml format
--dtd-file <file>
load the specified file as the DTD
--node-id <id>
set the operation start point to the node with given <id>
--node-name [<namespace-uri>:]<name>
set the operation start point to the first node with given <name> and <namespace> URI
--node-xpath <expr>
set the operation start point to the first node selected by the specified XPath expression
--id-attr[:<attr-name>] [<node-namespace-uri>:]<node-name>
adds attributes <attr-name> (default value "id") from all nodes with<node-name> and namespace <node-namespace-uri> to the list of known ID attributes; this is a hack and if you can use DTD or schema to declare ID attributes instead (see "--dtd-file" option), I don't know what else might be broken in your application when you use this hack
--enabled-key-data <list>
comma separated list of enabled key data (list of registered key data klasses is available with "--list-key-data" command); by default, all registered key data are enabled
--enabled-retrieval-method-uris <list>
comma separated list of of the following values: "empty", "same-doc", "local","remote" to restrict possible URI attribute values for the <dsig:RetrievalMethod> element.
--enabled-key-info-reference-uris <list>
comma separated list of of the following values: "empty", "same-doc", "local","remote" to restrict possible URI attribute values for the <dsig11:KeyInfoReference> element.
--gen-key[:<name>] <keyKlass>-<keySize>
generate new <keyKlass> key of <keySize> bits size, set the key name to <name> and add the result to keys manager (for example, "--gen:mykey rsa-1024" generates a new 1024 bits RSA key and sets it's name to "mykey")
--keys-file <file>
load keys from XML file
--privkey-pem[:<name>] <file>[,<cafile>[,<cafile>[...]]]
load private key from PEM file and certificates that verify this key
--privkey-der[:<name>] <file>[,<cafile>[,<cafile>[...]]]
load private key from DER file and certificates that verify this key
--pkcs8-pem[:<name>] <file>[,<cafile>[,<cafile>[...]]]
load private key from PKCS8 PEM file and PEM certificates that verify this key
--pkcs8-der[:<name>] <file>[,<cafile>[,<cafile>[...]]]
load private key from PKCS8 DER file and DER certificates that verify this key
--privkey-openssl-store[:<name>] <uri>
load private key and certs through OpenSSL ossl_store interface (e.g. from HSM)
--privkey-openssl-engine[:<name>] <openssl-engine>;<openssl-key-id>[,<crtfile>[,<crtfile>[...]]]
load private key by OpenSSL ENGINE interface; specify the name of engine (like with -engine params), the key specs (like with -inkey or -key params) and optionally certificates that verify this key
--pubkey-pem[:<name>] <file>
load public key from PEM file
--pubkey-der[:<name>] <file>
load public key from DER file
--pubkey-openssl-store[:<name>] <uri>
load pubkey key and certs through OpenSSL ossl_store interface (e.g. from HSM)
--pubkey-openssl-engine[:<name>] <openssl-engine>;<openssl-key-id>[,<crtfile>[,<crtfile>[...]]]
load public key by OpenSSL ENGINE interface; specify the name of engine (like with -engine params), the key specs (like with -inkey or -key params) and optionally certificates that verify this key
--pwd <password>
the password to use for reading keys and certs
enable lax key search (e.g. by key type like "rsa") vs default strict key search mode using only information from <dsig:KeyInfo/> node (e.g. key name)
force verification of public/private keys loaded from the command: keys are required to have a key certificate that will be verified against the certificates in the key store
--aes-key[:<name>] <file>
load AES key from binary file <file>
--concatkdf-key[:<name>] <file>
load ConcatKDF key from binary file <file>
--des-key[:<name>] <file>
load DES key from binary file <file>
--hmac-key[:<name>] <file>
load HMAC key from binary file <file>
--pbkdf2-key[:<name>] <file>
load Pbkdf2 key from binary file <file>
--pkcs12[:<name>] <file>
load load private key from pkcs12 file <file>
persist loaded private key
--pubkey-cert-pem[:<name>] <file>
load public key from PEM cert file
--pubkey-cert-der[:<name>] <file>
load public key from DER cert file
--trusted-pem <file>
load trusted (root) certificate from PEM file <file>
--untrusted-pem <file>
load untrusted certificate from PEM file <file>
--trusted-der <file>
load trusted (root) certificate from DER file <file>
--untrusted-der <file>
load untrusted certificate from DER file <file>
--crl-pem <file>
load CRLs from PEM file <file>
--crl-der <file>
load CRLs from DER file <file>
--verification-time <time>
the local time in "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" format used certificates verification
--verification-gmt-time <time>
the GMT time in "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" format used certificates verification
--depth <number>
maximum certificates chain depth
skip strict checking of X509 data
do not verify certificates
--crypto <name>
the name of the crypto engine to use from the following list: openssl, mscrypto, nss, gnutls, gcrypt (if no crypto engine is specified then the default one is used)
--crypto-config <path>
path to crypto engine configuration
print detailed error messages
--repeat <number>
repeat the operation <number> times
--base64-line-size <size>
sets the max line size for base64 encodings to <size>
--transform-binary-chunk-size <size>
sets the transforms binary processing chunk size to <size>; increasing chunk size might improve performance at the expense of increased memory usage
enable External Entity resolution. WARNING: this may allow the reading of arbitrary files and URLs, controlled by the input XML document. Use with caution!
--url-map:<url> <file>
maps a given <url> to the given <file> for loading external resources
print help information about the command









