[xmlsec] Another go on xmlsec perl bindings

Erich Strelow esf at moller.cl
Fri Mar 6 09:01:51 PST 2020

I'm keeping up with the perl project.
I started linking with a private xmlsec version 1.2.29. Then I switched to whatever xmlsec-devel package was available in my linux distro. It's 1.2.20. The perl glue worked well either way.

I added a XmlSecVersion perl method that points to the XMLSEC_VERSION macro.

I almost gave up on the KeyManager. An initial idea of setting up a KeyManager helper object at perl level was discarded.  And for some time I thought of narrowing keys to a one-shot only mention on some function arguments. Finally, the main xmlsec perl object is indeed the basic KeyManager itself and I included a KeysStoreSave method that maps to xmlSecCryptoAppDefaultKeysMngrSave.


-----Mensaje original-----
De: xmlsec <xmlsec-bounces at aleksey.com> En nombre de Aleksey Sanin
Enviado el: lunes, 2 de marzo de 2020 14:38
Para: xmlsec at aleksey.com
Asunto: Re: [xmlsec] Another go on xmlsec perl bindings

Thank you! I will add a pointer to it to the xmlsec website.


On 3/1/20 6:18 PM, Erich Strelow wrote:
> A couple of weeks ago I revisited xmlsec somehow by chance.
> One of our vendors was sending invoices with a faulty xmldsig signature. 
> I used the xmlsec1 command line tool to verify some signatures. As it 
> turned out, the vendor had managed to sign an ISO-8859-1 encoded xml, 
> and then e-mail it using us-ascii 7bit.
> Anyway, I noticed that after 12 years there's still no perl module for 
> xmlsec. I decided to have a go on this. The repository is available at 
> https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Festrelow%2FPerl-LibXML-Sec&data=02%7C01%7Cesf%40moller.cl%7C82c50fe4a19c445f141d08d7bed09a33%7Ca68cc54667a34b1387f4414e9e0b94ef%7C1%7C1%7C637187675470190957&sdata=%2BDqnLW9ZDbgvHP6PNENUCsiFfvRWZCUlvo5MYdPusFk%3D&reserved=0.
> This is still a work in progress. So far I've been able to sign a 
> "Hello world" xml document. The module is still useless beyond that.
> Others have tried and failed. I might as well fail.
> use XML::LibXML::xmlsec;
> my $signer=XML::LibXML::xmlsec->new();
> $signer->set_pkey(PEM => 'key.pem', secret => 'the watcher and the 
> tower');
> my $doc=XML::LibXML->load_xml(location => 'hello-ready.xml', 
> load_ext_dtd =>1, complete_attributes=>1,no_network=>1);
> $signer->signdoc($doc, id => "hello", 'id-node' => 'Data', 'id-attr' 
> => 'id');
> Some ideas:
> 1. Design principles.
>     -The module should interact with XML::LibXML, the main libxml2 
> port under perl. Therefore the targeted module name as XML::LibXML::xmlsec.
>        -This means a XML::LibXML Document handle might be passed to 
> xmlsec and work out.
>        -If the LibXML Document was ill parsed or is ill formed, xmlsec 
> should complain and fail.
>        -This also means a product of xmlsec signing/encryption should 
> be usable by XML::LibXML.
>     -Instead of a full perl binding of xmlsec, the goal is to produce 
> a xmldsig signing/encryption perl toolkit using xmlsec.
>     -The module should have simple verbs, like sign(), verify(), encrypt().
>     -The arguments should be passed using perl name-value pairs to 
> allow different formats and options. i.e., the above code should have 
> been set_pkey(DER => 'key.der').
>     -The module must have a performance at least as good as calling 
> xmlsec command from perl.
> 2. Motivation.
>     -For many years, libxml has been my xml library of choice under perl.
>     -The Chilean tax authority has adopted xmldsig for 20 years now. 
> This means invoices can be exchanged using xmldsig, and even 
> accounting ledgers are to be archived using xmldsig.
>     -I hate calling xmlsec1 from perl. I always feel I'm double 
> parsing everything.
> 3. Simplifications.
>     - So far I'm using XMLSEC_NO_CRYPTO_DYNAMIC_LOADING to reach a 
> workable toolkit.
>     - Still, since allowing different crypto engines is a xmlsec 
> feature, and there might be compliance issues here, at some point I 
> have to let it go.
>     - I'm favoring the "app" versions of xmlsec functions.
> 4. Use case.
>     The sign/encrypt perl script use case should be as follows:
>           +
>           |
>           |
>           v
> +--------+---------+
> |                  |
> |   App layer      |
> |                  |
> +--------+---------+
>           |
>           v
> +--------+---------+
> |                  |
> |    xmlsec        |
> |                  |
> +--------+---------+
>           |
>           v
> +--------+---------+
> |                  |
> |  store or send   |
> |                  |
> +------------------+
> The app layer should build the XML document using perl LibXML, or DBI, 
> or some module to fetch data from a legacy system. Whatever.
> In my case, I connect to SQL server.
> The xmlsec layer will sign and/or encrypt the document. The 
> appropriate key should be selected by any combination of source, target, contents.
> The store/send layer will save the resulting document in some storage, 
> or send it to a receiving party, like a customer, vendor, compliance 
> authority.
> The decrypt/verify perl script would be the opposite:
>            +
>            |
>            v
> +---------+---------------+
> |                         |
> |  receive or retrieve    |
> |                         |
> +---------+---------------+
>            |
>            |
>            v
> +---------+---------------+
> |                         |
> |    xmlsec layer         |
> |                         |
> +---------+---------------+
>            |
>            v
> +---------+---------------+
> |                         |
> |     App layer           |
> |                         |
> +-------------------------+
> A receive/retrieve should fetch a xml document from storage, or maybe 
> be the receiving end in a https POST channel.
> The xmlsec should verify the signature.
> The app layer then can consume the xml data using LibXML.
> Regards.
> Erich.
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