[xmlsec] Signing with RAM key/How to create a RSA key pair?

Martin Salo Martin.Salo at gmx.net
Thu Aug 16 08:44:16 PDT 2007

Hello Aleksey,

thanks for your answer :)
One further question:
I'm trying your Example: "Signing a dynamicaly created template."
If I look at CanonicalizationMethod, I see "xml-exc-c14n". So Canonicalization will be done automatical if I call xmlSecDSigCtxSign() or xmlSecDSigCtxVerify()?

But if I change a little bit in the signed XML from this:
<Envelope xmlns="urn:envelope">
    Hello, World!

To this:
<Envelope xmlns="urn:envelope"><Data>
    Hello, World!
The return value of xmlSecDSigCtxVerify() is invalid. But I think such changes were irrelevant? Must I set another Canonicalization method?


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