[xmlsec] Re: Why does xmlsec1 need the public exponent for signature computation?

Aleksey Sanin aleksey at aleksey.com
Tue Apr 10 09:10:19 PDT 2007

You are correct. The public part of the key is not required for
RSA signature. I have no idea why perl code produces different


Antti S. Lankila wrote:
> I hit this small issue while using xmlsec1 to double-check an unrelated 
> Perl implementation of XML-DSig. The basic work of what I'm doing is 
> performed by the Perl class, but the results are always double-checked 
> with xmlsec1 while developing.
> It should be possible to sign an XML document with SHA1-RSA knowing 
> nothing else but the private exponent and the modulus, right? That is, 
> you need the private key to perform signature validation, but not the 
> public key. The only new information the RSA public key provides is the 
> public exponent.
> So I go and extract the N and D parameters from some certificate, which 
> are large integers, and encode them into Base64 and store them into a 
> document like this:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <Keys xmlns="http://www.aleksey.com/xmlsec/2002">
> <KeyInfo xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
>    <KeyValue>
>        <RSAKeyValue>
>            <Modulus>$modulus</Modulus>
>            <Exponent>AQAB</Exponent>
>            <PrivateExponent 
> xmlns="http://www.aleksey.com/xmlsec/2002">$exponent</PrivateExponent>
>        </RSAKeyValue>
>    </KeyValue>
> </KeyInfo>
> </Keys>
> But here, I find I have to specify AQAB (base64 for 65537) as the 
> Exponent, or the signature computation gets a different result from my 
> Perl class. It appears that the differs if I substitute some other, 
> valid Base64-encoded value here, such as 1, which is AQ==. Therefore, it 
> seems clear that xmlsec1 makes some use of this information. The Perl 
> code I got does not need or use the public exponent for signature 
> computation, so what gives?
> The command line I am using is:
> % xmlsec1 sign --keys-file "the-above-file.xml" "file-to-be-signed.xml"
> It's noteworthy that I am not necessarily operating with x509 
> certificates here. Sometimes yes, but often I only get the RSA 
> parameters from some metadata files. Therefore, I need the most generic 
> way to deal with this which is the construction of the keys file from 
> the minimal set of data available.
> For the record, the Perl code for calculating a signature is here:
>        # Crypt::RSA is a stock module. It implements SHA1-RSA for us.
>        my $pkcs = Crypt::RSA::SS::PKCS1v15->new();
>        $signature = $pkcs->sign(
>            Message => $xml_to_sign,
>            Key => $self->{private_key},
>        ) || die $pkcs->errstr;
> $xml_to_sign is, naturally, the canonicalized version of the SignedInfo 
> element. The instance variable $self->{private_key} is constructed from 
> the RSA parameters as follows:
>    my $key = Crypt::RSA::Key::Private->new();
>    $key->n(Math::Pari::_hex_cvt($n));
>    $key->d(Math::Pari::_hex_cvt($d));
>    $self->{private_key} = $key;
> (There is a bug in Crypt::RSA::Key::Private necessiating an explicit 
> call to _hex_cvt(). The input $n and $d are hex strings like 
> "0123456789abcdef". The lines simply set the n and d parameters into the 
> key, nothing more.) The noteworthy fact here is the complete absence of 
> the $e parameter.

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