[xmlsec] FW: Free/Destroy versus Memory Leak

Aleksey Sanin aleksey at aleksey.com
Sun Feb 19 19:55:58 PST 2006

> - xmlsec.xmlSecInit()
> - xmlsec.xmlSecCryptoDLInit()
> - xmlsec.xmlSecCryptoDLLoadLibrary('mscrypto')
> - xmlsec.xmlSecCryptoAppInit('MY')
> - xmlsec.xmlSecCryptoInit()
> Everything else is on a request-by-request basis including:
> - libxml2 parsed docs
> - keysMngr
> - keyStore
> - dsig context
> - enc context
> And all are being free'd or Destroyed using:
> - libxml2.xmlFreeDoc
> - xmlsec.xmlSecDSigCtxDestroy(context)
> - xmlsec.xmlSecKeysMngrDestroy(mngr)
> - xmlsec.xmlSecKeyStoreDestroy(store)

BTW, are you using Python? If "yes" then you might want to check
how does python do memory management on Windows. It might not be
a real leak but "normal" behavior.


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