[xmlsec] Missing namespace in keyinfo from xmlSecTmplSignatureEnsureKeyInfo ?

Sylvain MEILARD sylvain at meduse.homelinux.net
Tue Jul 12 14:28:54 PDT 2005

>> So what i don't understand is why SignedInfo and SignatureValue tags have a
>> good namespace and not the KeyInfo tag ?
> Question: do you try to validate with xmlSchemaValidateDoc()
> the document created by xmlsec "template" functions directly or
> you first serialize it to a string or file, then parse it back
> and only then call xmlSchemaValidateDoc?

yes, all the xmldsig related tags re created by templates from xmlsec.
I don't re-parse and already text/xml output. I just want to generate an xml
document with xmldsig/xades signatures.

> If you try to validate it directly, then most likely there is a bug
> in KeyInfo node creation (I'll investigate it tonight). Otherwise,
> something is wrong in xmlSchemaValidateDoc() or xml parser itself
> (imho, highly unlikely).

thanks a lot for your interest in my problem, but don't spent your night on
it, don't forget to sleep :-)


> Aleksey

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