[webmasters] Re: [xmlsec] Big patch to xmlsec in recent OpenOffice.org sources

Aleksey Sanin aleksey at aleksey.com
Fri Sep 17 10:21:06 PDT 2004

Hi, Martin!

Thanks for your prompt response! The patch format is not easy to
parse by humans :) Probably this is the reason you have missed
the removed copyright notices in the following files:
(sorry, can't find a way on the web site to get line numbers
in the patch).

I would be glad to work with your guys on merging your changes
back to xmlsec tree. As you noted it is better for all of us :)


Martin Hollmichel wrote:
> Hi Aleksey,
> thanks for looking at this,
> after having a quick look into the patch (
> http://external.openoffice.org/source/browse/external/libxmlsec/xmlsec1-1.2.4.patch 
> ) I haven't found any sources where copyrights are removed, I found some 
> new added files without copyright notice. If I or we should have 
> overseen something please gives us a hint, we will fix it immediately.
> We also should join our efforts and should try to join modifications to 
> your tree. I'm sure Andrew ( and also Malte ) will work with you to 
> review or rework any changes so that they are useful for all. We are not 
> interested in establishing a fork anyway, so that is also in our 
> interest to get changes/fixes back to your main stream, but on the other 
> side we might have some requirements to apply some patches to get it 
> integrated with OOo. Please let us know about eventual concerns.
> Martin Hollmichel
> OpenOffice.org External Project Lead
> -- 
> Aleksey Sanin wrote:
>> I did look at the patch anyway and I think we have a little
>> problem here. This patch removes copyrights from the source code
>> (mine and other folks contributed to xmlsec). From legal point
>> of view this means that OO can not use xmlsec at all.
>> Best,
>> Aleksey
>> Aleksey Sanin wrote:
>>> Even worse. Since Andrew and other guys did not submit their patches
>>> back I can not even look at them. Because otherwise I might write
>>> some code that looks too close to what they are doing :(
>>> Aleksey
>>> Daniel Veillard wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Sep 17, 2004 at 01:32:59PM +0200, xs04.jmdesp at free.fr wrote:
>>>>> And watching the source it seems it does a lot more than that.
>>>>> I'd say they are so many changes I don't think a user encountering 
>>>>> problems with
>>>>> their version could expect correct support directly from Aleksey.
>>>>   that's why I'm worried, it looks like a fork... Red Hat ships xmlsec1
>>>> we also ship OpenOffice.org, and I think we will try as much as 
>>>> possible
>>>> to use only one version, and possibly drop the Oo.o patches unless they
>>>> can be justified and merged in the main stream.
>>>> Daniel
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