[xmlsec] Encrypting/Decrypting XML is stripping some schema prefixes

Robert Fox robertf at softshare.com
Mon Nov 15 14:04:39 PST 2004

Looks like the latest Windows binaries are version 2.6.15. Trying that
version did some really strange stuff, namely, xmlsec (I am on 1.2.5
because no windows source has been posted since that build) does not
seem to like this version of libxml2, when I decrypt the data, the
EncryptedData section is replaced with junk, and releasing the XML
document crashes libxml2...


-----Original Message-----
From: Aleksey Sanin [mailto:aleksey at aleksey.com] 
Sent: Monday, November 15, 2004 1:47 PM
To: Robert Fox; xmlsec at aleksey.com
Subject: Re: [xmlsec] Encrypting/Decrypting XML is stripping some schema

OK, I was testing against current CVS trunk. Can you try
the latest libxml2 version (2.6.16), please?


Robert Fox wrote:
> I am using version 2.6.11
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