[xmlsec] Extra documentation patch

Wouter wsh at xs4all.nl
Fri Sep 26 12:50:11 PDT 2003

This patch adds the missing documentation in the source from this list:

= xmlSecMSCryptoAppDefaultKeysMngrAdoptKey
= xmlSecMSCryptoAppDefaultKeysMngrInit
= xmlSecMSCryptoAppDefaultKeysMngrLoad
= xmlSecMSCryptoAppDefaultKeysMngrSave
+ xmlSecMSCryptoAppKeyCertLoadMemory
+ xmlSecMSCryptoAppKeysMngrCertLoadMemory
+ xmlSecMSCryptoAppPkcs12LoadMemory
? xmlSecMSCryptoKeyDataDesId
? xmlSecMSCryptoKeyDataDesSet
+ xmlSecMSCryptoKeyDataDuplicate
+ xmlSecMSCryptoKeyDataGetCert
+ xmlSecMSCryptoKeyDataGetKey
? xmlSecMSCryptoKeyDataHmacGetKlass
? xmlSecMSCryptoKeyDataHmacSet
? xmlSecMSCryptoTransformHmacMd5GetKlass
? xmlSecMSCryptoTransformHmacSha1GetKlass

The + mean documentation is added, = means documentation already
availabe, ? Means, no documentation, and no need for it (imho).

Also I've commented 1 error msg in src/mscrypto/keysstore.c, since
failing the function CertStrToName isn't really an error, since it is
not per se a subject dn that is expected there. A conversion fail simply
means we don't have a dn, and we can stop for the search there.

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