[xmlsec] Error in transforms.c

Ferenc Raffael raffaelf@ieb.hu
Tue, 25 Mar 2003 14:02:54 +0100

On Tue, Mar 25, 2003 at 01:52:11PM +0200, Arda Tekin wrote:

> Hello Mr. Aleksey,
> xmlsec.exe reports an error message when I run it with this program arguments 
> "verify --trusted C:\Test_Certs\GPayments.cer c:\PARes.xml"
>  and the error message in console is:
> xmlSecTransformStateParseUri (..\src\transforms.c:1182): error 4: xml operation
> failed : xmlXPtrEval(753nKonMmYHO9pww2NoJA854fgE0)
> xmlSecTransformStateCreate (..\src\transforms.c:881): error 2: xmlsec operation
> failed : xmlSecTransformStateParseUri(#753nKonMmYHO9pww2NoJA854fgE0)
> xmlSecReferenceRead (..\src\xmldsig.c:1602): error 2: xmlsec operation failed :
> xmlSecTransformStateCreate
> xmlSecSignedInfoRead (..\src\xmldsig.c:1476): error 2: xmlsec operation failed :
>  xmlSecReferenceRead - -1
> xmlSecSignatureRead (..\src\xmldsig.c:1175): error 2: xmlsec operation failed :
> xmlSecSignedInfoRead - -1
> xmlSecDSigValidate (..\src\xmldsig.c:733): error 2: xmlsec operation failed : xm
> lSecSignatureRead - -1
> This error message occurs afters validateDSig() function. (I debug the xmlsec.c at the same time). What can be the reason?


Imho it is not an error, there is a dtd specified by VISA (which is not perfect,
but at least usable), which you could use as an external dtd (see --dtdfile option).

PS: Take care about changing the type at id values from CDATA to ID.
PS2: I have not seen any PARes messages which could be verified against
     the given VISA root certificate yet. :(

Raffael Ferenc                              __,--=====-.__      
Developer                      _________,--'_,--'/_-__-___`--._ 
Inter-Európa Bank Rt.         {======>________,._.-------------'
+36-1-373-6495                       ``---._____/          

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		-- Joseph P. Kennedy

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