[Fwd: [xmlsec] Question about loading external DTD]

Meg Morgan meg@votehere.net
Thu, 06 Feb 2003 22:54:10 +0000

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Oops, forgot the list again ...

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Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2003 22:47:58 +0000
From: Meg Morgan <meg@votehere.net>
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To: Aleksey Sanin <aleksey@aleksey.com>
Subject: Re: [xmlsec] Question about loading external DTD
References: <3E417307.F45F85D3@votehere.net> <3E4179DE.3070008@aleksey.com> <3E42D250.8A474C87@votehere.net> <3E42D479.4040502@aleksey.com> <3E42DF54.9836F977@votehere.net> <3E42DE24.7060305@aleksey.com>
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That was the magic key I needed - setting xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue
to 0 worked.  Although I'm not sure where it had been set to 1 - I'll try to
track that down.  I see it initialized to 0 in the xml code.  Hmmm.

Thank you!

On another note, I still get that error from xmlSecAddIDs assertion doc != NULL
when I encrypt - that can be ignored, yes?

Thanks again!

Aleksey Sanin wrote:
> The document is validated during parsing only if you ask libxml to do so
> by setting parsing context "validate" member to 1 or by setting global
> variable "xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue" to 1.
> Can you check the value of this variable before the call to xmlParseMemory?
> I would also suggest to step in the xmlParseMemory in the debugger and
> find out how the parsing context initialized.
> Aleksey

Meg Morgan                           425/450-2754
meg@votehere.net                   http://www.votehere.net
