[EGB] Re: [xmlsec] [Q.] verification fail (can not find <KeyInfo>)

StoneRoses StoneRoses" <egbstoneroses@icqmail.com
Sun, 12 Jan 2003 02:16:15 +0900

Yes, You're right!
That statement means Not KeyInfo element itself, But KeyInfo information !!!
After receiving your reply, I read again that section (4.4.3)
and realized the last two sentences (cited below) could be reliable evidence.

	The result of dereferencing a RetrievalMethod Reference
	for all KeyInfo types defined by this specification (section 4.4)
	with a corresponding XML structure is an XML element or document
	with that element as the root.
	The rawX509Certificate KeyInfo (for which there is no XML structure)
	returns a binary X509 certificate. 

Really thank you for proper advice.  :)

To be a rock, and not to roll. 
EGB ::= EternalGoldenBGE
BGE ::= Blusjune'sGotEGB

| blusjune@EGBSD | ^_^ | stoneroses | 
$ NAME=\
$ "Blusjune Jung <blusjune@daum.net>"
$ PGPKEYID="0x33067610" 
-x-x-x Eternal Golden Blusjune x-x-x-