[xmlsec] bug report

Aleksey Sanin aleksey@aleksey.com
Mon, 26 Aug 2002 17:08:32 -0700

Do you have the "merlin.crt" file at the specified location?
And which program generated this error?


Maximiliano Marin wrote:

>I'm having this error when i try to verify a signature :
>xmlSecSimpleX509MngrAddTrustedCert: x509 file "/etc/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/merlin.crt" load failed
>Error: failed to read Merlin's CA
>any idea ?
>Thanks In advance !!!
>Maximiliano Marín
>Solution Developer
>Dorrego 1042
>Rosario, 2000
>Tel.: (54-341) 448-0018 - Ext. 7439
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