[xmlsec] XSLT questions/issues

Aleksey Sanin aleksey@aleksey.com
Fri, 12 Jul 2002 16:17:27 -0700

Hi, Ferrel!

First of all, I have to say that the LibXSLT (LibXML XSLT engine) author is
Daniel Veillard (http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT). I will forward your LibXSLT 
to the LibXSLT related mailing list (xslt@gnome.org) since I am not 
familiar enough
with LibXSLT internals. You also can chech LibXSLT mailing list arcive:
(I've seen some LibXSLT vs MSXML questions recently).

Regarding your first XPath question I would like to check it myself. If 
you don't mind, will
you send me the "file.xml", please?


Ferrell Moultrie (ISSAtlanta) wrote:

>  Thank you for your answers on LibXML2 and XMLSec versus Xerces. I've
>downloaded and built the libxml2 and xslt projects and have been running
>bits of our code through them. I've got three questions about differences
>between your xslt and the Xalan and/or MS xslt:
>1) your xpath expressions appear to require the apostrophe rather than the
>double-quote for delimiting data values, at least one the testXPath utility.
>   testXPath -i file.xml /root//EndUser[Country=\'US\'] works, but,
>   testXPath -i file.xml /root//EndUser[Country=\"US\"] doesn't. 
>In the first case, the XPath parse tree shows:
>         EQUAL =
>           COLLECT  'attributes' 'name' 'node' Country
>             NODE
>           ELEM Object is a string : US
>             COLLECT  'attributes' 'name' 'node' Country
>               NODE
>In the second case, it shows:
>         EQUAL =
>           COLLECT  'attributes' 'name' 'node' Country
>             NODE
>           COLLECT  'child' 'name' 'node' US
>             NODE
>I believe the backslash-quoting of the apostrophe or double-quote should
>pass through the ksh variant I'm running.
>2) My XSLT templates have explicit support for copying XML comments through
>to the output. This works with MSXML and Xalan but comments get dropped with
>you XSLT. Is this a configuration or other option or does your DOM just
>ignore comments (as it's allowed to do, but not required to do, by the spec
>-- but which is inconvenient from my perspective). 
>3) Your XSLT appears to want an explicit root match as the first template.
><xsl:template match='/'>
>        <xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()"/>
><xsl:template match='/Keys'>
>        <xsl:copy>
>        <xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()"/>
>        </xsl:copy>
>... other templates ...
><xsl:template match="@* | node()" priority="-10">
>        <xsl:copy-of select="."/>
>And with input XML whose root begins:
> ... other XML
>Your XSLT, MSXSL, and Xalan XSLT all process the above script and generate
>essentially the same output. If I delete the first three lines however (the
>match='/'), then MSXSL and Xalan are both still happy but your XSLT matches
>"/" against the final template, i.e., the verbose output shows:
>Registering global variables from transform2.xsl
>xsltProcessOneNode: applying template '@* | node()' for /
>xsltCopyOf: select .
>xsltCopyOf: result is a node set
>What is the reasoning behind this behavioral difference? The MSXSL/Xalan
>behavior appears to be correct as I read the books and samples I have but
>I'm far from an expert in XSLT so what's the cause of the incompatibility
>Sorry for so many questions but I'm trying to figure out how much work it
>would be to port a portion of our apps to using libxml2 and these are the
>issues that popped out with some initial compatibility testing.
>  Ferrell
>Ferrell Moultrie
>  Home-      (770)552-0486   Fax- (770)552-0489  ferrell@moultrie.org
>  Work[ISS]- (404)236-2849   Fax- (404)236-2609  FMoultrie@iss.net