[xmlsec] Request

Mohammad Ali Kavianpoor kavianpoor@mui.ac.ir
Sat, 29 Jun 2002 08:32:50 +0430

My Dear .
I am a software engineer conducting  some research in the area of 
Authentication ,  data integrity …   in B2B .
I  reviewed your article in your web site(www.aleksey.com/xmlsec/xmldsig-
It is very interesting and seems to meet my needs.
I am wondering if you could present the NT or 98 in Os and define following 
items  :
      1- xml encryption 
      2- xml decryption
      3- xml signature 
I would like to receive your applied real source codes 
   So that my students can archieve feasible answeres.
I hereby stress that your examples will be used
 For educational  purposes only.
Grateful of your attention and time.

Software eng.

With thanks 

Isfahan University of Medical Sciences (http://www.mui.ac.ir),