Hello,<br> <br> Is there a searchable interface for the mailing list hosted anywhere, I apologize if I'm repeating common questions.<br><br> When using xmlSecCryptoAppKeyLoad to load a binary key of type xmlSecKeyDataFromatBinary will it simply load any type of binary key without any more knowledge about the key as if it is RSA or DES? <br>
<br> After using xmlSecCryptoAppKeyLoad to load a binary key or a PEM file with an RSA or DES key inside of it how do I query the WSSecKeyPtr for information about which type of key it is? I need to know if it loaded an RSA, DES, or another key format in my application.<br>
<br> The use of the wssec key manager is optional for decrypting as long as I have a wsseckeyptr correct? <br><br>Thanks,<br> James<br><br>