Hi Aleksey,<br><br>I've been trying to get the command line utility for xmlsec running on my OS-X PPC computer the last few days, and I've been having difficulties getting xmlsec to find the right libraries to call openssl. Basically, when I try to encrypt an xml document, I get the error:
<br><br>func=xmlSecCryptoDLLibraryCreate:file=dl.c:line=130:obj=xmlsec_lt_dlopen:subj=unknown:error=7:io function failed:filename=libxmlsec1-openssl.so<br>....<br>...<br>Error: unable to load xmlsec-openssl library. Make sure that you have this it installed, check shared libraries path (LD_LIBRARY_PATH) envornment variable or use "--crypto" option to specify different crypto engine.
<br><br>The strange thing is that I DO have the xmlsec-openssl library installed:<br>% ls /usr/local/lib | grep ssllibxmlsec1-openssl.1.2.10.dylib<br>libxmlsec1-openssl.1.dylib<br>libxmlsec1-openssl.a<br>libxmlsec1-openssl.dylib
<br><a href="http://libxmlsec1-openssl.la">libxmlsec1-openssl.la</a><br><br>And I have created and exported a LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable with /usr/local/lib in the library path. But still, xmlsec doesn't seem to find it.
<br><br>Do you know what the problem might be?<br><br>Thanks,<br>Greg<br><br>