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xmlsec uses c14n code from LibXML2. If I just do a c14n for your file
then the processing <br>
instruction node "<span class="937574019-09102003"><font face="Arial"
size="2"><?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="myfile.xsl" ?>"
</font></span>is included in the <br>
[aleksey@lsh dev]$./libxml2/testC14N --with-comments a.xml<br>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="myfile.xsl" ?><br>
<sales quarter="2001-01"><br>
It would be helpfull if you can give a more detailed example with
explanations how are you<br>
doing signatures in both xmlsec and .net cases.<br>
<span class="937574019-09102003"><font face="Arial" size="2">With best